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PowerRPC V1.1 Installation and Configuration

Installation procedure 
  1. make a directory to host the powerRPC distribution. 
  2. untar or unzip the distributed files into the directory made in step 1).  For *.tgz files, first use the gunzip command to decompress, and then use the tar command to untar. 
    For *.zip files, please use a ZIP tool that is capable of handling long filenames and please preserve the directory tree structure when unzip. 
  3. modify your search path so that the powerRPC executable in the bin/ directory can be found. You must keep the directory structure of the powerRPC distribution. For UNIX platforms, you may make a symbolic link to the executable  in a directory that is already in the search path, such as /usr/local/bin/. 
  4. Windows user only: copy the pwrpc32.dll in the bin/ directory to a system directory such as Windows/system/ 

    Similar installtion procedure applies to ONC RPC For NT. 

Setup Portmap service (Windows NT only)

To install the portmap service, run from command line 
  > pmapsvc -i

To uninstall, run from command line 

   > pmapsvc -u

To get help, run pmapsvc -h 

To start the service, go to control panel, open the icon services, and go from there. 

Entering license key (fixed license)

Non-demo version of PowerRPC needs a license key specific to the installation to be fully functional. To obtain a license key, please follow these steps
1) Run the rpclicense.exe application, then check the radio button for the Developer license.
2) Email the installation ID displayed to sales at to obtain a license key.
3) Enter the license key and click the "Save license key" button.

Setting up the license server (floating license)

Please read the following carefully

If you have purchased a floating license for PowerRPC, the license server pwlicsrv must be running and the license data file must be properly initialized. A user of PowerRPC must be added to the license data file. The procedure of setting up the licenses is as follows: 

  1. Use pwlicsrv program to initialize the license file, license.dat 
    1. start the license manager with the command line           % pwlicsrv admin 
    2. at the prompt that shows up, type help. A list of available commands is printed. 
    3. use the add command to add users. At the prompt, input user login, system type, and hostname of the user's machine. For WIN32 users, enter WIN32 as th system name, for UNIX enter the output from command uname, for exmaple for Solaris, the system name is SunOS. A Windows user license can only be used from a specific machine. Enter the complete hostname.domain for the machine name. 
    4. After added the users, use the reg command to save the changes. You will be prompted to enter a registration key. To obtain a registration key for a non-temporary license, you need to provide Netbula with the machine name on which the license server is running. Please do not lose the key, since each time a change is made to the license file, you need to register using the reg command again. 
    5. Please shutdown the license server when you are modifying the license file. 
  2. After initialization of the license file in the previous steps, you can launch the server with the command line:               % pwlicsrv  
PowerRPC configuration 

PowerRPC search its configuration parameters in the following order: 

  1. Process environment 
  2. Configure file $POWERRPC_HOME/powerRPC.init, where $POWERRPC_HOME is the directory in which the powerRPC bin/ directory resides. 
  3. Configure file $HOME/.powerrpc

The required configuration is LICENSE_SERVER, which is the machine on which the license server runs. Suppose pwlicsrv is running on host eagle, then you can set this configuration using the command, 
  % setenv LICENSE_SERVER eagle
or similar command under Windows NT. 

Other configurations are, 

  • CPP            ---- the C preprocessor 
  • ANSI-CC   ---- the ANSI C compiler 

Please look at the file data/powerrpc.init.sample for an sample. 

Happy programming ! 

After the three major steps, you are ready to put powerRPC to work. 

Any questions? Please email, and prompt answers will be provided. 

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