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  • Delete this category
    Delete the selected category, but not removing the linked ecards from disk, only unlinking them from the deleted category
  • Add new category
    Add a new subcategory under current category
  • Add new ecard
    Upload a new image to create an ecard. Card ID, name, description can be added at this step
  • Add cards from existing cards
    Add one or several existing cards to the category. Be aware of that one card can be added to multiple categories
  • Remove the cards from the category
    Unlink one or several cards from the current category, but not removing from the disk. The cards can be linked back by using Add cards from existing cards
  • Delete cards
    Delete one or several cards permanently
  • Config
    Config the current page layout
    • Use top level configuration
      Inherent the layout of Home if checked, otherwise its own configurations are effective
    • Number of icons per row
      Number of card image icons per row
    • Site header html, starting from < head >
      Insert normal html code to add whatever you want to put at the top of the page
    • Site footer html, right before ''
      Insert normal html code to add whatever you want to put at the bottom of the page
    • Site style sheets
      Style sheets code for whole site page layout. Some browsers may not support it.
  • Delete under each card
    Unlink the card from the category
  • Edit under each card
    Edit the card such as editing card ID, name description, and image
  • Change password
    Change password for administrator
  • Personalize under each card
    Personalize the card for sending, card background color, title style, and etc. can be selected at this step
  • Create your own card
    Upload an image to create an ecard

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